What is HEDNA
HEDNA is the leading global forum to advance hospitality distribution through collaboration, knowledge sharing and networking.
About the Event
HEDNA events are created to reinforce our vision of being the single, global voice navigating the complexity of hotel distribution. Our conferences offer curated content and networking avenues in a variety of formats over the course of three days. 
Content Submission
All content is thoroughly vetted and must be approved by HEDNA’s Conference Committee and/or Board of Directors. Content should be educational and informational in nature. Sales presentations will not be included in submission to the Board for approval. Conference speakers are not eligible for payment/honorarium.
Proposals will be evaluated on importance, relevance and the overall quality/detail of the submission. HEDNA reserves the right to reject proposals for any reason, including but not limited to: space and time restrictions, poor quality or lack of detail, timeliness, importance, duplication of content, and/or relevance.
Submissions from HEDNA disciplines are especially encouraged.
Main stage presenters will have the following equipment: projection of slides or video, microphone, confidence monitor, and timer.
The deadline to submit a proposal is March 8, 2024. 
If your proposal is accepted for consideration, you will receive written confirmation of next steps by March 15, 2024. Proposals should not be considered confirmed until a speaker agreement is originated from HEDNA.
  • March 29 – deadline to complete speaker agreement. All speakers must submit in order to participate.
  • May 1 – deadline to register for the conference. All speakers must be registered in order to participate (please note, an invitation to speak at HEDNA does not automatically include the cost of registration).
  • May 30 – Deadline to submit presentation materials (if applicable). Presentations will not be accepted onsite.

  • In the event a speaker must cancel their attendance, they may suggest a replacement speaker but in no way may delegate someone to speak on their behalf without the express written consent of HEDNA. Confirmed speakers are only those in receipt of HEDNA’s speaker agreement, sent directly from HEDNA.
  • Speakers who withdraw within one week of the conference will not be replaced.

  • Product demonstrations and single company presentations will be disqualified.
  • Fireside chats and panels must include the name, company and role of all proposed speakers.
  • Sessions should consist of at least one hotelier.
  • HEDNA will not procure panelists on behalf of any submission.
  • Panels should not exceed four total participants (including moderator).
  • Session lengths should not exceed 25 minutes.

Please direct any questions related to proposal preparation or submission to Nick Wesdock, Director of Meetings: nick@hedna.org.
In this section, please enter the contact information of the person submitting this proposal.

Question Title

* 1. Name 

Question Title

* 2. Professional Title

Question Title

* 3. Company/Organization

Question Title

* 5. Phone number

Question Title

* 6. Are you the presenter (or primary presenter) for this proposed session?