Rainier Avenue Parking-Protected Bike Lane Demonstration Project

1.Approximately how many times per week do you travel along or across Rainier Avenue?
2.How do you typically travel along or across Rainier Avenue - in a vehicle, on a bike, on foot, or other mode? Please select up to two modes.
3.Do you reside along Rainier Avenue (i.e., does your residence have a Rainier Avenue address)?
4.Have you noticed a change in vehicle speeds since the demonstration project began?
5.Have you noticed a change in your comfort levels cycling on Rainier Avenue since the demonstration project began?
6.Have you noticed a change in the ease of walking along/across Rainier Avenue since the demonstration project began?
7.Have you noticed a change in your comfort levels driving on Rainier Avenue since the demonstration project began?
8.Please provide any general comments or specific feedback about the demonstration project.