Broderie d’Art Test Person

Apply now to become part of our exclusive Test Group.

If you are selected we will contact you by email within probably a week. After you have received the templates and attended the Zoom meeting (or viewed the replay), we will send you two weeks later a form where you can answer questions to get your feedback.

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* 1. Can you agree to testing out our templates or tools for at least 3 designs within the next three weeks? (The design only, not necessarily the embroidery itself)

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* 2. Would you be willing to fill out a survey about how they were for you? And send a photo or preferably a video using them?

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* 3. Do you already create your own embroidery patterns?

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* 4. Are you familiar with haute couture embroidery / broderie d’art yet?

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* 5. In which country do you live?

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* 6. Your email where we can contact you

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* 7. Do you want us to stay in contact with you via email?