Committee volunteers are the backbone of a successful association. SAR’s committees are made up of engaged REALTORS® who play a vital role in the success of the association.

Whether you have recently joined or are a seasoned REALTOR®, serving on a committee is an effective way to not only become more involved in the industry but also connect and network with your colleagues and peers. Read more about SAR committees and apply for appointment below.
Affiliates Committee
This committee is responsible for promoting membership to the professional community, as well as hosting of events or programs that would enhance the value of networking for affiliate members.

Governance & Bylaws Committee
This committee is responsible for reviewing, updating and coordinating all Association governing documents, including but not limited to: Bylaws, Office Policies and Procedures, etc.
  • Building & Grounds Sub-Committee  This committee is responsible for evaluating and recommending necessary maintenance and improvements to the building and grounds owned and operated by the Association.
  • Nominating Committee  This is a standing committee whose function is the selection of future Board members/Officers of the Association.
Consumer Outreach & Community Relations Committee
This committee is responsible for developing programs for SAR participation in community, charitable, civic and education programs that enhance the image of the SAR and the image of REALTORS within our community.  NAR Core Standards outlines that this committee must do actionable, measurable activities related to consumer education on home ownership, first time homebuyers and other aspects of promoting the benefits of home ownership directly to consumers.
  • Public Relations Sub-Committee  This committee is responsible for keeping the public informed of Association community involvement, MLS Data , housing trends and issues as they relate to consumer awareness and homeownership as well as promoting the REALTOR brand and professionalism of the REALTOR.
Education Committee The Education committee researches the member educational needs, and offers continuing education courses towards REALTOR designations.  This committee is also responsible for Legal Liability training.

Grievance Committee
The Grievance Committee reviews requests for arbitration and ethics complaints to determine if a hearing is appropriate.
Government & Legislative Affairs Committee
This is a committee that represents the interests of REALTORS in village, town, city and county government concerns, establishes a volunteer network to monitor public meetings, prepares and presents position papers, participates in interest group coalitions, reinforces NYSAR and NAR’s efforts on state and national issues, develops candidate endorsement programs to identify and support candidates for public office who share SAR’s goals and objectives.  Hosts, through its sub-committees events that contribute financially to support government & legislative affairs programs, events and education for SAR members and the public.
  • RPAC Committee   The purpose of this sub-committee is to educate the membership on the benefits of a strong REALTORS Political Action Fund, (RPAC), member engagement in RPAC and to create fund-raising techniques to support RPAC.
  • Holiday Gala Event Committee:  The purpose of this sub-committee is to coordinate an annual function that brings together both Affiliate and REALTOR members to recognize peers, handle officer installation and volunteer service. 
Member Services Committee
This Committee develops and implements membership recruitment, New Member Orientation Programs (every other month) and retention programs designed to increase membership involvement in Association activities and the size of the membership.  This committee actively researches and develops new member benefit programs for Realtor and in conjunction with the Affiliate Committee for Affiliate Member benefits.  Member services benefits by looking at a variety of other local associations and non profit member organizations for ideas on member benefits and programs that foster member engagement.
  • Realtor of the Year Sub-Committee A selection committee, chaired by the current Realtor of the Year who then appoints four (4) past Realtor of the Year recipients will select an outstanding active member of the Southern Adirondack Realtors, Inc., for the annual award.
  • Scholarship Sub-Committee   The scholarship committee develops and implements fund-raising for SAR scholarship programs.  This committee designs and distributes scholarship applications, and oversees the distribution of awards. Scholarships include those to REALTORS as well as Graduating HS Senior Awards to Realtor & Affiliate member children/grandchildren. 
YRN - Young REALTORS Network
This committee works to host or facilitate events, professional development/leadership building activities,  social/civic/association projects and social networking opportunities especially for REALTORS who are new to the profession, and to identify and develop leadership skills in younger members to ensure Association leadership succession planning goals.  The committee will often dedicate a portion of their fundraising to local charities and  non-profit organizations or projects.  This committee has undergone a specific  YPN Program  application process for acceptance through NAR. NAR officially recognized our SAR YRN in 2016. NAR sanctions YPN/YRN committees and supports their actions and activities as well as provides a variety of resources and networking opportunities for leaders of YRN Committees to help them succeed.

Question Title

* 1. Member Information

Question Title

* 3. Please select up to 3 (three) committees:

  First Choice Second Choice Third Choice
Affiliates Committee
Governance and Bylaws Committee
-- Building & Grounds Sub-Committee
-- Nominating Committee
Consumer Outreach and Community Relations Committee
-- Public Relations Sub-Committee
Education Committee
Grievance Committee
Government and Legislative Affairs Committee
-- RPAC Sub-Committee
-- Holiday Gala Event Sub-Committee
Member Services Committee
-- Realtor of the Year Sub-Committee
-- Scholarship Sub-Committee
YRN - Young REALTORS Network