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* 1. Please rate (from 1 to 4) the following nominated sites in NSW to indicate your preferences for an ALRTA/government funded roadside effluent disposal site:

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* 2. Please provide comments for any these sites that you consider could be relevant to ALRTA's prioritising decision. For example, 'this site is difficult to accelerate out of'.

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* 3. If you would like to nominate another site, as suitable for a roadside effluent disposal facility, please tell us - the highway name, direction of traffic and nearest town(s)

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* 4. If you nominated another location for ALRTA to consider, please tell us: What facilities it services? (eg saleyards or processor); What species you transport through that location?;  and How often you/your driver(s) visit or drive by the location? (eg daily, once a week, etc).

0 of 4 answered