
To be eligible for board office nomination, applicants must hold either a Professional or Regular NCDA membership, based on the office sought. The NCDA President-Elect-Elect position and ACA Governing Council Representative position requires 6 consecutive years of membership. The rest of the offices require 2 consecutive years of membership. In addition to knowledge about and experience in the career development field, the Nominations and Elections Committee seeks leadership candidates with a demonstrated commitment and service to the organization, a working knowledge NCDA’s governance, and a temperament that contributes to and generates group consensus, wisdom, and vision.

Ideally, candidates should have the following qualifications:

· Trustee for Private Practice, Business/Industry, and Agencies candidates must provide career development services in a work setting, to best advocate for the constituency’s needs and services.

More detailed responsibilities for each position are include in the NCDA Policy and Procedures Manual (Link to Manual). The job description for Constituency Trustee begins on page 19.

Any member in good standing may make nominations and self-nominations are welcomed.

Please complete all sections below.

Question 9 requires a response between 1500-3000 characters
Questions 10 and 11 requires a response between 1200-5000 characters

Question Title

* 1. Personal Information

Question Title

* 2. Membership Information (Information can be found under Member Profile when you log into Members Only

Question Title

* 3. Employment Information

Question Title

* 4. Education Information

Question Title

* 5. Upload Your Resume

Click Here to Upload

Question Title

* 6. How many years have you been working in the career development field?

Question Title

* 7. NCDA Service: What Committees, Councils, or other NCDA related groups have you taken part and for how long?

Question Title

* 8. Service to Other Associations/Organizations
Please list any other leadership or service position you have held with other associations or organizations, and include the dates of service.

Question Title

* 9. NCDA Leadership Academy

Question Title

* 10. Short Essay Questions

What is your vision of the position in which you are applying? (requires a response between 1500-5000 characters)

Question Title

* 11. What unique skills best qualify you for the position in which you are applying? (requires a response between 1200-5000 characters)

Question Title

* 12. Please describe how you promote diversity, inclusion and belonging in the career development field. Please feel free to share examples that demonstrate your commitment to DEIB practices. (requires a response between 1200-5000 characters)

Question Title

* 13. Please share how you remain actively engaged in the area of your constituency with NCDA

Question Title

* 14. If nominated and elected, will you make your board service a priority by attending all boards meetings (three face-to-face meetings in October, February, and June and 4-5 one-hour long conference calls)? Domestic travel expenses will be covered by the association. See the Policy and Procedures Manual for international travel reimbursement details located on page 8.

Question Title

* 15. Will you fully participate as a board liaison to assigned committees and initiatives and advocate for their needs?

Question Title

* 16. Will you abide by the NCDA Conflicts of Interest/Duty to Disclose? (Listed on the NCDA Website)

Question Title

* 17. Do you agree to abide by and advocate for the NCDA Code of Ethics? (Listed on the NCDA Website)

Question Title

* 18. Reference #1:
NCDA requires two references. Please list with phone and email information so the committee may contact them

Question Title

* 19. Reference #2:
NCDA requires two references. Please list with phone and email information so the committee may contact them

Question Title

* 20. Supervisor Support:
NCDA requires an acknowledgement of the level of involvement from your supervisor.  Please include the name, phone, and email address of your supervisor.  If you are self employed, simply state it below.

Question Title

* 21. Do you hold an NCDA Credential?