Question Title

* 1. How quickly did you feel you progressed though the game content?

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* 2. How Interested Are You In The Following Features: 

  Very Interested Somewhat Interested Not Interested Don't Care
Options for the Cloning Chamber (Ability to control colonists skills/attributes)
Colonist Aging / Dying Of Old Age
Investigating Points Of Interest On The Surface Map (Expeditions using colonists)
Additional Story Content (From discoveries and new mechanics)
Building Structures On The Surface
Pseudo Random Events (both positive and negative)
Machines/Crops Requiring Upkeep (Durability/Health lowering over time. Requiring a colonist to maintain)
Storage Container Priorities
Ability to choose starting colonists when creating a new game
More decorative objects
More colonist leisure/entertainment objects

Question Title

* 3. Expeditions is a feature in development that will allow you to send colonists to points of interest on the surface map. Expeditions will offer mini-stories and player choices. How important would you rate the following in relation to expeditions.

  Very Important Somewhat Important Not Important Don't Care
Getting Good Loot 
Choices that have negative consequences
Multiple choices
Story Content / Quality

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* 5. If you could change/add one game mechanic what would it be? (Not bug related issues)

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* 6. Please provide any additional comments about your experience playing Mercury Fallen.