Dear school leaders,
We'd love to hear from you when it comes to managing your school's budget. What are the biggest frustrations right now? What are your predictions? We value your honesty.

The survey below should take less than 10 minutes! As a thank you, you'll be entered to win one of three $50 Amazon gift cards.

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* 1. Tell us about you. In what setting do you work?

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* 2. Which bests describes your school?

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* 3. What best describes your role?

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* 4. How many students does your school serve?

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* 5. What's your school's annual budget per pupil? (Total operating budget ÷ number of students.) An estimate is fine.

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* 6. School budgets are often determined by a combination of factors. What are the biggest factors at your school?

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* 7. How much input do you have in determining your school's budget?

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* 8. Who approves the spending for items or services beyond what you have the discretion to purchase? Check all that apply.

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* 9. Up to what dollar amount do you have the discretion to make purchases without higher approval?

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* 10. What is the primary month in which you plan your budget for the next school year?

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* 11. What percentage of your total budget is allocated for each of the following areas? An estimate is fine.

  Very little (less than 5%) Some (5-10%) A moderate percentage (10-20%) A significant percentage (20-50%) Most of the budget (60-90%)
Instructional costs (teacher salaries/benefits, instructional materials, professional development)
Administrative costs (principal/administrative salaries, office supplies and equipment, administrative staff salaries)
Student services (counseling, SpEd, health services)
Facilities and operations (building maintenance and repairs, utilities, cleaning services, safety and security)
Technology (IT support, software, hardware and devices)
Transportation (bus services, field trips)
Extracurricular activities (athletics, clubs and organizations, arts and music programs)
Food services (school meals, free/reduced lunch)
Capital improvements (building upgrades, major equipment purchases such as playground equipment or technology upgrades)
Debt services (loan repayments, long-term capital costs)

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* 12. For school purchases, who is MOST OFTEN involved in the decision-making process at the school level? Select all that apply.

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* 13. Apart from district approval and compliance, which of the following factors matters most when considering a purchase?

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* 14. When considering a new purchase, how long do you/your staff research your options before making a decision?

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* 15. What do you use in your research? Select the most relevant.

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* 16. Has your budget increased or decreased since 2020?

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* 17. Why has your budget increased or decreased? Select the most relevant that apply.

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* 18. If your budget has decreased, where are you making cuts?

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* 19. If your budget has increased, where are you spending more?

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* 20. Does your school currently rely on any creative funding measures? Select the most impactful.

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* 21. Do teachers have a classroom budget at your school?

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* 22. Let’s say your school got a substantial budget increase. If you were free to choose, in which of these categories would you increase spending FIRST?

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* 23. What’s your biggest frustration or worry when it comes to school budgets?

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* 24. What's one thing you wish more people understood about school budgets?

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* 25. How do you feel about the future of school budgets and spending? Any predictions?

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* 26. What's your email address? (Not required.)

Note: Your email will not be shared and will only be used to contact winners of the survey drawing for Amazon gift cards.

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* 27. If we use a quote from you for an article, how would you like to be credited? (e.g. "Glenn Holland," "G. Holland," "G.H.," "Anonymous," etc.)

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* 29. We need to make sure you're not a robot :) Please select answer choice C.