
Thank you for taking the time to complete our Significant Person Survey.

The survey should take you about 15 minutes to complete. You will not be identified. Your insights will contribute to ensuring our programs are relevant and continue to evolve to improve young peoples lives. You will also provide evidence as to the impact Operation Newstart has on re-engaging young people in education, improving family relationships and reducing the risk of young people coming in contact with the justice system. That contact could include involvement as an offender, a victim or reckless risk taking behaviour, e.g. getting into a car with a drunk or drug effected driver, or a combination of any of these scenarios.

To maintain privacy please do not use the name of the young person in your response to any of the open ended questions.

Please note, somebody "who has assisted with a program" encompasses a wide range of people including, youth workers, police, teachers, students, counsellors, outdoor activity facilitators, vocational trainers, psychologists, media and CFA instructors, to name a few, so if you are not sure continue and if your particular connection is not listed go to "other" and provide a comment re your connection.