Setting the scene for Perioperative Medicine in Ireland: a survey of the attitudes, beliefs and current practice of anaesthesiologists.

1.Please select the grade at which you currently work?
2.When do you think anaesthesiologist’s involvement in the care of the surgical patient should start? (Please mark all that apply)
3.When do you think the anaesthesiologist’s involvement in the care of the surgical patient should end? (Please mark all that apply) 
4.What do you consider to be the key components of perioperative care? (Please mark all that apply)
5.Do you apply risk prediction scores during pre-operative assessment?
6.If you use one, or more, risk prediction scores in practice, please specify below which tool(s) you use
7.At the hospital where you currently work, do you have a clinical lead for preoperative assessment? 
8.At the hospital where you currently work, what staff routinely works in the preoperative assessment clinic?
9.Who do you think should make up the team that delivers perioperative medicine? (Please mark all that apply)
10.Do you consider yourself a perioperative medicine doctor?
11.What speciality should have clinical governance over the perioperative medicine service?
12.Anaesthesiologists are being asked to increase their input into perioperative services. We have listed some factors that may be seen as barriers to anaesthesiologists delivering a perioperative medicine service. Please select all that you feel apply. 
13.In your last week at work, how many times did you visit a postoperative patient (other than to advise on pain management issues)?
14.In your last week at work, if you visited a postoperative patient, please indicate why.
15.Please indicate your current location of clinical practice.