Thank you for joining the webinar "Building Our Capacity to Serve Black Survivors," hosted by the CTA Team at NNEDV in partnership with Ujima, Inc. and the FVPSA Office on September 2, 2020. We would like to hear about your recent experience receiving training from the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV).  This survey is anonymous, and your answers are confidential.  Your feedback can help NNEDV provide the best services possible.

Question Title

* 1. Which best describes you?

Question Title

* 2. Overall, how would you rate the training?

Question Title

* 3. Please tell us how satisfied you were with each of the following.

  Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
The usefulness of the content
The trainers' expertise
The trainers' communication skills
The format and logistics of the training
Accessibility of materials and the training venue

Question Title

* 4. Do you think the training provided will increase your ability to effectively do your job?

Question Title

* 5. What did you especially like about the training?

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* 6. What improvements could be made?

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* 7. What training topics would you like to see in the future?