SADC Antiretroviral (ARV) value chain (VC) Scoping Study

We invite you to take part in this regional scoping study of the antiretroviral (ARV) value chain being conducted by consultants contracted by SADC Secretariat. The aim of  the study is to identify innovations and technology transfer developments, opportunities and gaps. This will enable a strategic understanding of the current landscape to enable evidence-based interventions along the ARV value chain and thus advance the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap (SISR) and Action Plan. A major focus will be in gathering evidence to inform the crafting of a financial support package / grant which should have a measurable and clear impact on the development of the VC.
Please note the following
- You are not compelled to share information you may consider commercially sensitive;
- All information will be kept confidential and only shared in anonymized and de-identified manner; 
- By completing the survey you are giving consent.

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* 1. Your contact information

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* 2. What is your primary research focus?

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* 3. Rank the constraints you currently face according to their importance

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* 4. What typical pharmaceutical research are you involved in?

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* 5. How is your research funded?

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* 6. How much research funding do you attract annually?

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* 7. Do you have funding for postdoctoral fellowships in your laboratory?

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* 8. What ongoing collaborations are in place with the pharmaceutical industry?

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* 9. Rank  the barriers to collaboration with the private sector according to importance

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* 10. What commercialization projects have you been involved in?

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* 11. Rank the barriers to commercialization according to importance (1 - most important)

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* 12. Which innovations competitions have you taken part in in the last 5 years?

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* 13. How many of your innovations have been commercialized in your country or elsewhere?

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* 14. What innovations do you have specific to the manufacture of ARVs and HIV treatment?

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* 15. Indicate what IP strategies you use

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* 16. How many patents or other IP filings have you done in the past 5 years

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* 17. Rank the support you require on IPR and TRIPS

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* 18. Is your country able to utilize TRIPS flexibilities

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* 19. What government policies do you find enabling for the industry?

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* 20. What government policies do you find prohibitive to the industry?

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* 21. Which SADC innovation grants are you aware of ?

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* 22. The SADC SIPS programme wishes to create a grant scheme to support the ARV value chain, what would make this scheme attractive for your to apply?

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* 23. Would you be able to provide matching funds for such a grant and of what percentage?

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* 24. Rank the most important elements which you think should be prioritized by a SADC innovation grant

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* 25. Any other comments with regards to the ARV value chains, SIPS or anything else relevant to this survey