Exit Event Registration Form Cow Working Clinic 3-9-24 Question Title * 1. Name Question Title * 2. Email Question Title * 3. Phone number to contact you to confirm registration. Question Title * 4. How do you prefer to be contacted? Call Text Question Title * 5. How will you be participating at the clinic? Rider - cost $300 ($100 deposit) *Rider’s will need to provide a negative Coggins test for their horse. Auditor - cost $25 Auditor - equine professional Question Title * 6. Will you need day stalls or trailer hookups? Yes, day stall. Fee $20 Yes, trailer hookups. Fee $35 Yes, day stall and trailer hookups. Fees $55 No Question Title * 7. How did you learn about the clinic? E-mail Facebook Instagram TikTok Flyer Website www.aaronengland.com Friend Other (please specify) Done