Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey! This survey will give us a better understanding of the community's typical air travel habits, and will help guide us when discussing air travel with prospective businesses.

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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Which of the following best describes your current employment status?

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* 4. How important are the following factors to you when choosing an airline for your flights?

  Not at all important Unimportant Neutral Important Very important
Departure and/or arrival time was more convenient
Flight had fewer stops or better connections
Air fare was better
Frequent flyer program
Inflight services are better (meals, movies, flight attendants, etc.)
Grounds services are better (ticketing, baggage handling, check-in, etc.)
Personal preference for specific airline
Travel agent/company travel department recommendation
Aircraft preference

Question Title

* 5. How often do you fly?

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* 6. Please indicate how much time you spend in line or waiting during each of these stages of your typical trip:

  Didn't use No wait 0-5 min. 6-10 min. 11-20 min. 20+ min.
Aircraft boarding
Boarding gate counter
Security checkpoint
Express baggage/ seat check-in counter
Ticket counter
Baggage claim

Question Title

* 7. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the price of the tickets for your most recent trip:

  Agree Disagree  N/A
I planned on taking this trip regardless of the price of the ticket.
I originally planned this trip through a specific airline, but switched to another because of the price of the ticket.
I did not have a particular airline in mind when planning this trip, and chose an airline based solely on the price of the ticket. 
I was planning to take this trip at a specific date, but changed the date of my flight based on the price of the ticket.
I originally planned on driving or taking other alternative modes of transportation for my trip, but chose to fly instead because of the ticket price.
I was not planning to take a trip at all, but decided to take one because of the price of the tickets.

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* 8. Which airline did you use for your most recent flight? If you are uncertain, enter "don't know" in the box below.

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* 9. Please rate the in-flight service for your most recent flight:

  Excellent Good  Poor  Bad N/A
Availability of flight attendants
Courtesy of flight crews
Appearance of flight crews
Pilot's communication with passengers
Quality of food and drinks
Overall service level

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the aircraft flown for your most recent flight:

  Excellent Good  Poor Bad  N/A
Space for luggage storage
Comfort of seating
Seating arrangement of aircraft
Cleanliness of aircraft
Noise level of aircraft