Salem Art Association and Bush House Museum Field Trip Survey

Dear 4th Grade Teachers:
Thank you for sharing the Arts & History Immersion Program Virtual Field Trip with your students!

This field trip program is made possible through grant funding from the Autzen Foundation, the PGE Foundation, the RE/MAX Integrity Foundation-Salem Office, the Reser Family Foundation, The Herbert A. Templeton Foundation, Trust Management Services, LLC, the William S. Walton Charitable Trust and support from the Salem Art Association. We need your input for the final reports to these generous funders.

Please complete and submit the following Survey Monkey at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions about the Arts & History Immersion Program Virtual Field Trip or this survey, please feel free to contact Ross Sutherland at

Question Title

* 1. Please describe the racial/ethnic make-up of your class by entering the number of your students represented in each category.

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* 2.  How beneficial was the Arts & History Immersion Program Virtual Field Trip to your students?

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* 3. How beneficial was the Arts & History Immersion Program Virtual Field Trip for you as a teacher?

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* 4. Did the Arts & History Immersion Program Virtual Field Trip enhance your curriculum by supporting state standards in your classroom?

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* 5.  Please share your thoughts on one or more ways the Arts & History Immersion Program Virtual Field Trip could be enhanced to better enrich your students' experience.