Please complete this short survey to help us determine training needs for Emergency Vehicle Technicians (EVT).

Question Title

* 1. What time of year works best for you or your EVT's to attend training?

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* 2. Please rate the below training options:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I will be able to attend small regional trainings consisting of one to two-day classes followed by one day for the exam.
I will be able to attend a week-long training event consisting of 4 days of training followed by one day for the exam.
I prefer to attend small regional trainings consisting of one to two-day classes followed by one day for the exam.
I prefer to to attend a week-long training event consisting of 4 days of training followed by one day for the exam.

Question Title

* 3. Is there an area or location in the State of Florida where that is ideal or preferred for EVT Training to take place?

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* 4. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations to improve the EVT program?

For updates on the EVT Training Academy:
  • Members: Please ensure your membership profile Sections field has Florida Association of Emergency Vehicle Technicians (FAEVT) selected.
  • Non-members: Click here to sign up for email notifications and in the Interests section, Emergency Vehicle Technicians (EVT) is selected.