Murray cod fishery management and research priorities

Over the last twenty-years, we’ve seen improvements in Murray cod recreational fishing across the Murray-Darling Basin. This has been achieved through the collective efforts of land, water and fisheries management agencies, researchers and recreational fishers.

In 2011, the Murray Cod Fishery Management Group (MCFMG) was set up with fishery managers, researchers and angler membership to improve collaboration of Murray cod management and research across the Basin. The MCFMG is currently reviewing its Action Plan.

As part of this review process, the MCFMG are inviting you to provide feedback on Murray cod research priorities and on-ground actions. This feedback will inform future investment in Murray cod research and management.

Thanks for taking the time to complete this short survey - less than 5 minutes, and supporting the management of our iconic Murray cod fisheries.

Question Title

* 1. Your connection to Murray cod? 

Which of the following best describes your connection to Murray cod? Please tick one of the following

Question Title

* 2. Research Priorities

Which of the following MCFMG research priorities do you think are most important to improve Murray cod recreational fisheries?  Please rank your top 3 priorities ("Your top priority" through to "Your third top priority").

  Your top priority Your next top priority Your third top priority
Improve survey methods to better monitor Murray cod populations
Better understand Murray cod breeding habitat and critical larval survival factors
Routinely monitor the health of Murray cod fishery populations
Survey anglers to assess angling effort, catch, harvest and release and satisfaction
Develop an estimate of illegal and unreported Murray cod harvest
Review Murray cod fisheries regulations 
Quantify the socio-economic benefits from Murray cod recreational fishing
Quantify the effects of habitat degradation and changed flows on Murray cod stocks
Describe interactions of Murray cod with other species, including diet and predation
Improve methods to mark or differentiate wild from stocked Murray cod
Assess the effectiveness of Murray cod stocking
Understand and protect the genetic structure of Murray cod stocks

Question Title

* 3. Do you have any other important research priorities you believe we have missed? If so, please briefly describe them here

Question Title

* 4. On-ground action priorities

Which of the following on-ground actions do you think are most important to improve Murray cod recreational fisheries?  Please rank your top 3 priorities ("Your top priority" through to "Your third top priority").

  Your top priority Your next top priority Your third top priority
Repairing where fish live (fish habitat restoration)
Involving anglers in research and monitoring of Murray cod
Removing barriers to fish movement
Stocking Murray cod 
Delivering environmental flows
Developing new Murray cod fisheries
Educating anglers about responsible Murray cod catch and release methods
Changing bag and size limits for Murray cod

Question Title

* 5. Do you have any other important on-ground actions you believe we have missed? If so, please briefly describe them here