Element photography camp interest survey Question Title * 1. How interested would you be in Element-run photography camps? Not for me Extremely interested Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. OK Question Title * 2. Would you be interested in: 2-3 day weekend trips 5-7 day week trips 7+ day longer trips OK Question Title * 3. What would you be interested in learning? (select as many as you like) camera use for beginners advanced camera settings editing techniques preparing a photo for print sport photography landscape and nature photography product photography portrait photography light painting techniques essential camera gear and usage Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. Would you prefer a camp covering a couple of topics in depth or a camp covering a broad range of topics? a range of topics a few topics in depth both OK Question Title * 5. What type of accommodation would you prefer? camping hotel cabins don't mind OK Question Title * 6. What role does location mean to you? Location is the main priority A good location is nice, but not my only consideration I am more concerned with the topics covered OK Question Title * 7. How far would you travel for the camp? Less than 1 hour 1-2 Hours 2-4 Hours Don't mind OK Question Title * 8. What other activities would you be interested in? Hiking Walking Abseiling Swimming Bike Riding Other camping/outdoor learning sessions Enjoying a beer with the Element Crew Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. Is there anything else you would be looking for in a photography camp? OK Question Title * 10. At what email address would you like to be contacted? OK DONE