To register your interest in participating, complete the form below. 
  • Every attempt will be made to fit all players into a team
  • Please nominate if you would like to be a regular or a reserve player. A regular player is someone that can commit to at least 75% of the season.
  • The summer season starts on Sunday 17 October and this year will go for 12 rounds plus finals - the full Tennis West league calendar can be found here .
  • The forming of the team will be at the discretion of the club with teams comprising of 4 or 5 players. 
  • To be eligible to play, you must be a member of the Manning Tennis Club (you can either join online here or find out more about membership here
  • Players will be required to pay an additional nomination / ball fees of $40
  • Registrations closes on Thursday 9 September 2021.
For further queries, email us at

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* 1. Player's Full Name

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* 2. Player's Date of birth


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* 3. Would you like to be a regular or reserve player?

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* 4. Parent's Name

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* 5. Parent's Email Address

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* 6. Parent's Mobile Number

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* 7. If required, would you be able to help assist with managing your child's team? (This mainly involves ensuring scores are recorded and entered)

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* 8. Have you played in a Tennis West competition before?

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* 9. Which competition are you interested in? Matches start at 8.30am on Sunday and age requirement is the age of a player at commencement of the competition (e.g. if a player is turning 14 in December, the player will still be eligible to play in 13 yrs and under if they wish)

If you select more than one competition, please insert a comment highlighting your competition preferences?

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* 10. The competition starts on Sunday 17 October 2021 and goes for 12 rounds + 2 rounds of finals. Please select from the list below, any dates that the player WILL NOT be available to play.  The full calendar is located here.