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* 1. Are you?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Are you a resident of Redcliff?

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* 4. Do you currently own a dog, and if so, how many?

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* 5. Were you aware of the location of the 2 designated off leash dog areas in Redcliff?

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* 6. Which off leash areas in Redcliff do you use?

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* 7. Do you currently use the existing off leash areas in Redcliff?

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* 8. In a typical week, how many times do you visit the off leash areas?

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* 9. What times of day do you or would you most likely use an off leash area? (Select all that apply.)

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* 10. Have you encountered any problems in the off leash areas? If yes, please explain.

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* 11. Are you satisfied with the location of the off leash areas? If no, please explain.

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* 12. What is your biggest concern about visiting a dog park?

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* 13. What do you like and/or dislike about the existing off leash areas in Redcliff?

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* 14. Which walking path areas in Redcliff do you use?

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* 15. Please specify which of the following areas you believe would be suitable for off leash areas.

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* 16. Would you be willing to volunteer to: (Select all that apply.)

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* 17. Would you be willing to participate in our First Annual Doggy Waste Clean-Up event, April 30, 2017?
This would be an opportunity to help beautify Redcliff and connect with fellow dog lovers.

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* 18. Do you think Redcliff would benefit from an agility type playground specifically for dogs.