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* 1. What is your first and last name, Instagram handle, phone number & email? Also, if you are booking with someone else, please provide their full name as well.

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* 2. What appeals to you most about this trip? Please be specific. :)

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* 3. How will you be joining us?

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* 4. We will be doing things that may require us to step outside of our comfort zones for this trip. ALL for the betterment of our mental and physical health and well-being. Are you willing to dive into this experience FULLY, to achieve the full benefits of what this retreat is offering?

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* 5. Will you be celebrating any special occasions while on this trip? Birthday, anniversary, achievement, etc?

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* 6. Do you have any dietary restrictions, allergies, pre-existing medical conditions or injuries that require medical care/supervision/special attention and/or could require medical treatment/medication/special care while abroad or ANYTHING else that could hinder your participation in our activities or put you at risk while in a remote location? Please explain in detail.

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* 7. Do you have a valid passport? To be clear, “valid” means that it will not expire before, during or within 6 months AFTER our time abroad.

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* 8. How do you react when life gives you lemons (aka, adversity occurs, things don’t go as planned, you encounter a difficult person, etc.)? Please be completely honest and use examples if you find it helpful.

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* 9. I accept deposits and all payments via Zelle and/or most major credit cards (transaction fees apply to all card transactions). Are you ready to put down your deposit today, if selected for this trip? If not, please elaborate.

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* 10. Have you previously attended a group trip/retreat? Which company did you book with? If so, how was your experience on that/those trip(s)? What appeals to you about traveling with me?