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Thanks for taking a moment of your day to help me out.

As you know, YOU as a person are the most important element in your trading, and this is the area in which I focus my efforts - helping you find the success in trading that we both know you are capable of achieving.

This where you come in... please take just a couple minutes to answer this super-short survey - there are only three questions for you to answer:

Question Title

* 1. If you could ask ANY two questions about how to improve your trading, what would they be?

YOUR first question:

Question Title

* 2. YOUR second question:

Question Title

* 3. What is your level of interest getting in each of the following, presuming it was free?

  Definitely not Probably not Neutral Probably Definitely interested
A quiz that tells you your probability of succeeding as a trader
A quiz that tells you your trader 'personality type'
A spreadsheet that would let you see the profit-potential for any trading system
An ebook on the "Secrets of a Trading Legend"
A video and checklist on how to set yourself up to succeed as a trader
An ebook on the "7 Traits of Winning Traders"
An online training class on how to get your trading working and producing
A webinar on how to treat your trading as a business
An ebook on "Trading Psychology's Missing Chapter"
A webinar on how to make your trading more consistent so you make more money
A spreadsheet that would let you see the financial impact of different 'what-if' scenarios
A quiz that tells you the reliability of your trading system
A quiz that tells you your Emotional Intelligence Quotient as a trader
A checklist to ensure that your trading system will be highly reliable
An online training class on money management

Question Title

* 4. Which of the following would you be likely to purchase in the next 60 days?

  No way Not likely Maybe Likely Definitely
A new strategy or system for your trading
Software for trading
Information / course on personal growth
Information / course on spiritual growth
A course on how to become a great trader
An app for your phone/ipad to track your trading performance
An interactive course (more than a book) on Emotional Control specific for traders
Audio interviews with trading experts and veterans
Subliminal audios specific for traders
An interactive class on how to build a solid trading foundation
Tips and techniques for improving my golf game - this one is just for fun :-)