Give your view

CHEX has been asked by a research partnership to give our view on whether we think Scotland is achieving goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We were happy to agree, and thought we’d offer those of you in the wider world of community-led health and related fields the opportunity to help shape our submission.

Please give any responses you have to the questions below which match the questions CHEX will be responding to. Feel free to disregard questions you find less relevant. Our responses will have to be 200-300 words each so please bear this in mind as we will have to summarise any information provided.

Please give any response by the end of Friday 10th May

Question Title

* 1. First name (otional)

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* 2. Surname (optional)

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* 3. Email address (optional)

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* 4. Organisation (optional)

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* 5. From your perspective, how is Scotland doing against this Goal?

Below, please write about progress or the lack of it towards achieving this Goal from your own perspective. Identify key data when making your assessment and try to give the reader the story beyond the numbers. Where relevant, please write about who or what is most at risk if this Goal is not achieved and what impact this might have.

Question Title

* 6. What do you think about the current level of political and policy commitment to achieving the aims of this Goal in Scotland and the level of impact this is having?

Below, please state your view on whether there is a sufficient level of commitment and identify any initiatives put in place, and by whom, as well as the difference you believe these are making.

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* 7. What should Scotland do better to achieve this Goal?

Please write about what you think should be done to achieve this Goal. Be explicit about who you think should take the lead in making improvements – government, business, third sector? If you can, give an example of a project or a policy – also from other countries – that could help Scotland to make progress .

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* 8. Case study

Below, please write about an example of how [insert policy problem: poverty] is having an impact in Scotland, from your perspective and that of your organisation.

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* 9. Further reading

Please, identify further information and resources on this Goal and to your work in this area.