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Interest Form

With the support from the Department of Education, the CAASt K-12 Training Series is hosted by the University of South Dakota CAASt Graduate Certificate Program and the Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment. The CAASt K-12 Training Series is 5 hours of free content intended to increase the universal knowledge of educators and school personnel regarding:
  • Mandatory reporting
  • Suicide prevention
  • Multidisciplinary approaches
  • Trauma-informed interventions
Educators will receive CE contact hours and additional resources to support their implementation of strategies in the classroom. Please complete the questions below if you are interested in bringing this training to your school and we will be in contact with you shortly. 
If you have questions while completing this form, please reach out to the CAASt Program Coordinator:
Tracy Thomes
Phone: (605)357-1377

Question Title

* 1. Your First Name:

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* 2. Your Last Name:

Question Title

* 3. Your Role/Title:

Question Title

* 4. Your Email Address: 

Question Title

* 5. Your Phone Number:

Question Title

* 6. School/District: 

Question Title

* 7. Ages served at your school/district:

Question Title

* 8. Approximate number of educators and staff that would attend training:

Question Title

* 9. Time period you would like to bring the training to your school:

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* 10. Trainings are 5 hours of content and are typically most beneficial as one 5hr session, however we can be flexible. Trainings can be conducted in one 5hr span (such as on an in-service day) or in shorter sessions via multiple days (such as over a lunch period).

Please indicate specific days you would be interested in scheduling for and explain the format you would prefer. If you have specific times that would work well, please indicate those as well (i.e "03/10/2022 for 5hours from 9-2pm").

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* 11. Trainings have typically been conducted virtually via Zoom, however dependent on instructor availability, an in-person training might be an option. Do you have a preference on instruction format?

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* 12. Would your school be interested in an additional free multidisciplinary workshop in addition to the CAASt K-12 Training Series (logistics and scheduling details to be determined at a future time)? This workshop would provide your school with technical assistance on working within multidisciplinary teams in school settings.

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* 13. Would your school be interested in an additional free vicarious trauma training in addition to the CAASt K-12 Training Series (logistics and scheduling details to be determined at a future time)? This training is tailored to the vicarious trauma experienced by educators and school personnel.

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* 14. Please indicate any specific needs your school has at this time related to this training content (if applicable):

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* 15. Please indicate if you have any questions or comments for our team to be aware of (if applicable):

Thank you for submitting your interest for the CAASt K-12 Training Series. We will be in contact with you soon regarding scheduling this training. 
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