1. School of Communications Alumni Survey

We are interested in your experience while you were a student in the School of Communications (formerly Department of Journalism & Communications). This survey will help us to improve the program for current and future students and will assist in meeting program accreditation requirements.

Question Title

* 1. Year of Graduation

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* 2. Your Major/Concentration

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* 3. The following characteristics are valued in communications professions.
How much did the program contribute to your development in each of these areas?

  Very much Quite a bit Some Very little
Valuing truth, accuracy and fairness
Valuing freedom of expression
Valuing ethical ways of reasoning
Valuing history and roles of media in society
Valuing domestic and global diversity

Question Title

* 4. The following competencies are useful in many communication professions.
How much did the program contribute to your development of skills in each of these areas?

  Very much Quite a bit Some Very little
Writing clearly and effectively
Employing the tools of technology
Using theories in producing media content
Engaging in research and analysis
Applying numerical concepts
Demonstrating creative thinking
Speaking clearly and confidently

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* 5. Which of the following student media and communications activities did you participate in while a student? (check all that apply)

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* 6. Which of the following school organizations did you participate in while a student? (check all that apply)

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* 7. All communications majors are required to complete at least one professional internship.
Overall, how would you evaluate your internship experience(s), if applicable?

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* 8. What is your current employment situation?

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* 9. Please check any graduate or advanced academic study since completing your undergraduate degree.

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* 10. If you have completed a graduate degree, please provide the following information about the institution you most recently attended.

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* 11. If you have done graduate work, please indicate how adequately your undergraduate major prepared you for graduate study.

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* 12. Some job skills are more important than others. Please indicate the level of importance of the following skills in your current work.

  Essential Very important Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Writing skills
Production skills
Web/Mobile Design skills
Research skills
Numerical skills
Analytical skills
Creative skills
Social Media skills
Speaking/Presenting skills
Management skills

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* 13. Based on your undergraduate experience at Elon, please check the greatest
strengths of the communications program. (check all that apply)

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* 14. What suggestions do you have that will strengthen the communications
program for future students?

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* 15. Members of our staff work with students in exploring career opportunities.
Please indicate if you are willing to assist in any of the following areas.
(check all that apply)

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* 16. If you checked that you are willing to assist our students with any of the opportunities above, please provide your contact information. (Note: your name and contact information will not be associated with any other items in this survey.)

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* 17. Please feel free to include additional comments about the School of Communications.

Thank you.