ASTCT Committee on Practice Guidelines Proposal Form |
Thank you for your interest in submitting a guideline topic to the ASTCT Committee on Practice Guidelines (CoPG) for review and consideration. We will review submitted proposals on a rolling basis. If your proposal is identified as a high-priority and impactful topic, an ASTCT Staff member will reach out with next steps on presenting the proposal at the next quarterly CoPG meeting.
All new potential guideline or manuscript projects that would be endorsed by the ASTCT Committee on Practice Guidelines should complete the form below and take into consideration the following:
· Center and geographic diversity in author panel and evidence review - projects should involve individuals with subject matter expertise.
· Diversity, equity, and inclusion of lead, senior, and other potential co-authors (including authors with an established record of prior successful CoPG project participation).
· Focused scope of the project – a large-scale project with multiple planned manuscripts is less likely to be approved.
· Review article-like guidelines projects where evidence cannot be quantified are unlikely to be approved or endorsed.
· Writing committee/panel will need to be reviewed and approved by CoPG Chair and Vice Chair prior to project work commencing.
· Submitters should also include any other relevant supplemental documents about the proposed project along with this form.
If you have any questions while completing this proposal form, please contact Haedyn Smith.