What Shapes the Vote: Key Influences Question Title * 1. What are your friends and family saying will drive them to vote? (Select top 3) Inflation Infringed Parental Rights in schools High Crime Limits on 2nd Amendment Higher Property Taxes Border Security Socialist Policies Drug Abuse Special Interest Groups Spending Progressive’s Energy Policies Lack of Adequate Homeless Care Vax mandates Lower Public School Test Scores School Closures Other (limit 100 characters) Question Title * 2. How likely are you to vote in the upcoming election? Very likely Somewhat likely Not likely Undecided Question Title * 3. How do you feel the current Larimer County government is addressing the issues that matter to you? Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Question Title * 4. Please elaborate on any Larimer County Government issues from Question 3 above (optional). Question Title * 5. If you'd like to help with voting efforts in Larimer County, please provide your name, phone, and email below for us to contact you. (optional) Yes No Question Title * 6. Please provide your name. (optional) Question Title * 7. Please provide your email address. (optional) Question Title * 8. Please provide your phone number. (optional) Done