Welcome to Winter Pride! 
This year as a way to welcome and include more events in the festival, to add variety and uniqueness to our event selection, we're welcoming more producers. We want to encourage both local and national LGBTTQI+ producers to upskill, create great work and be a part of an awesome festival.
So, if you’ve got a great idea - producing could be for you! Whether it’s drag, comedy, dance, theatre, burlesque, we want to know what’s OUT there!
Please read the following information carefully. 
We can’t wait to work with you.

1.I confirm that I have read and understand the following process for submitting and creating an independently produced event.

Here's how it all works!

APPLY: If you’re interested, please apply to be part of the festival using this Survey Monkey application form. The deadline for submissions is 5 April. At this stage we’re just asking for your concept, and some evidence of producing experience.

GET ACCEPTED: By 14 April, we’ll let you know if your idea has been provisionally accepted. This means we’re keen to have you in this years festival, but there’s a chance we’ll still need to hammer out or change some of the details with you for your event to be ultimately hosted with us.

CREATE & SUBMIT: From here, we ask that you get to work on your event, lock in all the details, and submit that event information to our form we will send you if you are accepted. This info is due by 12 May at the latest.

The info we need in your submission are:
- The name of your event
- The name of your producer/producing company.
- Your event blurb (formatted in a way that’s suitable for both Facebook and Humanitix. Please check out our Winter Pride event descriptions for format reference.)
-Your ticket price. (Please take into account the Winter Pride ticketing fee. More information below.)
- Your venue.
- The start and end times of your event
- The seated capacity of your event (aka. how many tickets will be on sale).
- Your company logo.

REVIEW: Then, we’ll review your information on that event submission form. At this stage, we might ask for some revisions (to your event blurb, scheduling, or venue, for example) or we might just need to check a few things with you. We reserve the right to decline your event if changes can’t be made.

UPLOAD: But if all your info is all good, we’ll upload your event, get it live and you’re set to go!
2.I confirm that I have read and understand the following information about what Winter Pride will do to support my event.

Here’s what we’ll do!

DESIGN WORK: We’ll create an event banner to use on your event’s online listings, co-branded with your company logo. 
TICKETING: We’ll upload and host your event on our ticketing platform, Humanitix. We’ll add you as a co-host so you can access all ticketing and other event info, (for example, the door list for your event). You’ll need to make your own Humanitix profile, if you don’t have one already. 

PROGRAM YOU: We’ll feature your event on all our event schedules online, including our Humanitix tour page. 

FACEBOOK: We’ll upload and host your event on Facebook. We’ll add your profile as a co-host so you can post in and boost the event, if applicable. 

PROMOTE: We’ll do a minimum of one timeline post on our social media specifically promoting your event.

REPOST: We’ll repost, when possible, all content created by you promoting the event. Tag us, and we’ll share!

FEE: For these services, Winter Pride will take a $10 fee per ticket. You’ll be able to see the full ticket reconciliation information in Humanitix. You’ll need to invoice us for the remaining amount after our ticket fees, after your event has closed.
3.I confirm that I have read and understood the following information about what I need to do as a producer to create an independent event. 

EVENT CONCEPT: You’ll need to independently come up with your own event concept! The style, structure, theme and concept of your project is entirely up to you. (Within reason, we still are looking for events that are a good fit with the Winter Pride brand. For example, we’re looking for events with a strong focus on LGBTTQIA+ themes and talent.)

VENUE: You’ll need to use a Winter Pride approved venue and we will support you with venue selection and introductions to venues. SkyCity Queenstown is our first choice of venue, depending on the event.

SCHEDULE: You’ll need to schedule the date(s), start time(s) and end time(s) of your event or events. We recommend checking out our Humanitix tour page to check for good times within the week to put your gig on. While we’re expecting a bit of schedule overlap, it might not be wise to run a cabaret show on the same night that we already have one scheduled, for example. We reserve the right to ask you to change the time of your event if it poses what we’d consider a critical scheduling clash. 

CASTING: You’ll need to cast your own show, if applicable. We ask that you ensure a commitment to selecting diverse and LGBTTQIA+ talent wherever possible. 

SUBMIT YOUR INFO: As mentioned above, this will be due by May 12 at the latest and we will send the link to the form if you are accepted. 

FIND YOUR TEAM: You’ll need to organise your own technician, if applicable. We’ve provided a helpful list of our suppliers who might be of use to you below and can arrange introductions and recommendations. You’ll also need to organise any other support staff you might need, like a stage manager. 
FRONT OF HOUSE: You’ll need to organise your own front of house staff, to check people’s tickets and vaccine passports on their way in. You’ll need to provide them with the door list (which you have access to through Humanitix. You may also need to take into account any venue specific front of house duties, like managing capacity for example. 

PROMOTE: You’ll need to promote your own event! While we’ll provide support, it is ultimately your responsibility to make sure tickets get sold to your event. 

INVOICE: After your event has closed, we will ask you to invoice us for payout of your ticket revenue, minus $10 (ex gst and booking fees) per ticket and any other costs agreed with Winter Pride. You’ll be able to see your revenue on Humanitix.
4.Great! Thanks for doing all that reading. What's your name? If different, what's your producing and/or performing name? What are your pronouns?
5.What's your phone number & email address?(Required.)
6.What's your event concept? Go into as much detail as possible! Please add dates and times if you already know these.(Required.)
7.Do you have an idea of what venue you'd like to use? If so, let us know.(Required.)
8.Tell us about any producing experience you've had, add in links to any social media events you have done in the past.(Required.)
9.Are you a Queenstown local? If not, do you feel confident to deliver an event in a town you're not from?(Required.)
10.I confirm the following terms and conditions:

I/we will set my own refund policy and terms and conditions.

I/we am/are fully responsible for all my own costs associated with my event.

I/we am/are fully responsible for all my own health and safety obligations and will put in place a health and safety plan with the venue I am working with for my event (s).

That my event is an approved Winter Pride event and I will only use the Winter Pride branding as approved by the Winter Pride event organisers.

I will use Winter Pride and or approved venues where at all possible. 

I confirm that a fee ranging between 10% and 30% per ticket will be paid to Winter Pride for their supporting services unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Winter Pride Festival Director.