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* 1. Do you have a book character idea? If so, please tell me about him/her.
(i.e. background, personality, traits, experience, profession... etc.)
If no, just say 'no'.

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* 2. Do you read any other Minecraft authors? If you don't, that is fine, also.

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* 3. What rate would you like me to post? I can't count how many times I say this, but I'm sorry I can't post that often due to my involvement in a busy life, and writing getting pushed backwards and backwards on my to-do list. I won't guarantee that I can post as quick as you want, because pictures take a lot of time, and the writing also does. But I will try my best, though.

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* 4. That's all! If you have anything you would like to tell me or have any questions, ideas, or ANYTHING please feel free to contact me at My door is always open for my readers.😀