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Note: this survey is long (yes, we know) but we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to give us feedback. We cannot make something better or fix it if we do not know it's broken. 


Question Title

* 1. Access to the agenda

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* 2. Ease of booking your room

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* 3. Ease of RSVP'ing for your shuttle

Question Title

* 4. Format of the day (guest speakers, lunch, staff sessions, & daily end times

Question Title

* 5. Duration of the Summit: 

Question Title

* 6. Duration of the guest speaking sessions

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* 7. Duration of the staff led sessions

Question Title

* 8. Did you like the location? (AZ vs MT) If not, please suggest another location.

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* 9. Did you find the venue easily accessible? Proximity to your home, the airport, etc?

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* 10. Did the time of year work for your schedule? If not, is there another time that would work better for you?

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* 11. Would you like to spend more or less time at the Summit? Do you think there should be more or less educational days?

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* 12. What was the most valuable part of the Summit for you?

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* 13. Is it important to you that your family and/or pet can attend?

Question Title

* 14. Did you miss having a binder like what was provided last year with all of the presentations and handouts?

Question Title

* 15. Did you like the SWAG bag you were given? If not, what else would you like to see in it or excluded from it?

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* 16. Did you get your headshot taken while you were at the Summit?

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* 17. Did you eat breakfast while at the Summit? If no, why not?

Question Title

* 18. Did you eat lunch while at the Summit?

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* 19. Did you eat any of the 3 pm snacks at the Summit?

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* 20. Did you eat dinner while at the Summit?

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* 21. Did you bring your significant other or family to any of the meals?

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* 22. What was your favorite meal?

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* 23. Do you have any meal suggestions for next year?

Question Title

* 24. Did you like the conference room set up? If not, why?

Question Title

* 25. Were you able to hear the speakers from where you were sitting? If not, did you check to make sure you had all hearing devices on and operational? Were you sitting at the front or in the back corner?

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* 26. Did you like your room at the resort? Was it what you expected? Any comments or concerns?

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* 27. Who was your favorite guest speaker? Why?

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* 28. Which speakers or topics would you like to see return?

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* 29. Which of the speakers would you like to see host a Roundtable call?

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* 30. Did you have enough time to mingle with the speakers and sponsors? If not, do you have any suggestions to make this happen next year?

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* 31. Do you feel like you had enough time to do business around the speakers and staff presentations? 

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* 32. What topic(s) was not covered at the 2023 Summit that you would like to see at the 2024 Summit?

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* 33. Do you have any recommendations for sponsors for the 2024 Summit?

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* 34. Did you attend either of the sunrise sessions?

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* 35. What were your favorite staff led sessions that you attended?

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* 36. What positive feedback would you like to give? Individually or collectively.

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* 37. Would you like to give any constructive feedback? Individually or collectively.

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* 38. Do you think it was Bobby L or Branif S that crop dusted the bar on night 1? If neither, who do you think was the suspect? Please explain your reasoning.

0 of 38 answered