PD Warrior 2017 for Licensees Question Title * 1. How would you rate PD Warrior as a program? Unsatisfactory Poor It's ok Good Excellent Unsatisfactory Poor It's ok Good Excellent Question Title * 2. What would need to change for you to rate your involvement with PD Warrior 10/10? Question Title * 3. As a licensee, what do you value the most? Regular webinar content Podcast listening to academic, specialist and clinician content Forum Academic articles and clinician commentary Branded clothing items Client referrals Marketing support Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What do you see as the biggest issue with patient compliance? Question Title * 5. How do you think can we increase increase patient engagement and participation in PD Warrior? Question Title * 6. Do you see value in patients doing a supported '10 week challenge' every year? Yes No Interested but need more information Question Title * 7. What would be a good community identifier on completion of a 10 week challenge every year? Unique Badge on completion each year Branded hat on completion Branded shirt on completion Community engagement and team motivation Competition of some kind Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. If we were to launch an annual PD Warrior event, what do you think would attract existing and new patients? Question Title * 9. If we created an app to assist you with patient assessment and 10 week challenge registration, would you use it? Yes No Need more information Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. What of the following do you recommend to your patients? Book: The New Parkinson's Treatment 10 week challenge - licensee version 10 Week challenge - paid version Equipment purchase from website Website for blog and webinar content Other (please specify) Thank you so much!