Complete this reader survey and you'll be entered in the draw to win this prize!

Question Title

* 1. Let's learn a little about you.

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* 2. When you first opened this issue, what did you want to look at first? (Pick only ONE)

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* 3. How many people in your home (big or small) read or look at BAZOOF!, including yourself.

Question Title

* 4. Where did you get this copy of the magazine?

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* 5. Do you sometimes share the magazine with a parent or teacher?

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* 6. What would you rate your current interest for BAZOOF! out of 10 (10 being the highest):

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* 7. Do you use a tablet or mobile device?

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* 8. What could be added to B! so that it could be even better?

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* 9. Any other messages you have for B!