City of Goldsboro Fire Department Customer Service Survey

We responded to an emergency at your address and we value your input, Such emergencies are truly unfortunate and distressing; however, you could play an instrumental role in improving our future service.

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* 1. Please select the type of incident

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* 2. Date of incident


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* 3. Were our personnel polite and courteous?

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* 4. How knowledgeable was our personnel?

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* 5. Did our personnel respond promptly?

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* 6. Did our personnel clearly communicate procedures and actions, and answer any questions you had?

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* 7. Did the service provided meet your needs and expectations?

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* 8. Overall, how would you rate the City of Goldsboro Fire Department?

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* 9. Please share any other comments you have below:

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* 10. To be entered into the GFD Giveaway drawing could you kindly provide your contact details (such as your name, email address, or phone number)?
This will only be used for the drawing and any follow-up communications.