OECD Survey on Values, Science, Risk Perception and Nuclear Energy |
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the OECD is running an international survey on perceptions around nuclear energy in the framework of the NEA Global Forum on Nuclear Education, Science, Technology and Policy. It is not intended to determine representative views of the public in different countries, but instead seeks to explore the links between an individual’s core values and their views on nuclear matters.
The NEA is keen to see the survey reach as many people as possible – irrespective of their views on nuclear energy or any other matter. It is the correlation of responses within individual surveys which is of most interest.
The survey itself should take no longer than around 15 minutes to complete and consists of questions which explore personal values and beliefs, perspectives around science, nuclear energy and its impact on society, and some socio-demographic questions to explore the differences in results between different segments of global society.
The replies to this survey are entirely anonymous. The NEA doesn’t have the ability to trace the replies back to any single individual.
Please take the survey yourself – all responses are most welcome – and please also consider sharing the link and a summary of this context with any networks you may be part of, irrespective of their involvement, or otherwise, in nuclear matters.
Regarding privacy and data protection: please note that while individual responses are anonymous, aggregated responses and raw data are intended to be made public. This survey is structured to be fully anonymous and you should not provide any identifying information in your responses. In the event that we were to collect any personal data it would be protected consistent with the OECD Data Protection Rules.