Application Form

Join us in creating the energy future we need!

The EFL is a multi-interest, collaborative platform that facilitates constructive dialogue around our energy future and enables real-world action and learning. At the heart of the EFL is its Fellowship, representing diverse perspectives from across Alberta’s energy system. For the last six years, EFL Fellows have established meaningful relationships, created a shared vision for our energy future, and launched numerous initiatives together. 

Our mission for 2022-2024 is to: 

Leverage our assets and innovation capacity to accelerate an
inclusive and equitable transition to a prosperous net-zero future

If this mission excites you and you want to work with other innovators and influencers to fulfill this mission, then we invite you to be part of the EFL Fellowship. 

Why be a 2022 EFL Fellow?
  • Unique opportunity to make an impact with others on important energy challenges.
  • Connections to a growing EFL community working at the leading-edge of energy transition.
  • Access to leading-edge research and expertise on emerging energy transition topics.  
  • Participating in dynamic, interactive, and profound workshops with best-in-class facilitation.
  • Exposure to the latest tools, techniques and concepts on collaboration and innovation. 
Fellows will be profiled on the EFL website website.

What is the role of a 2022 EFL Fellow?
  1. Participate in a series of interactive Fellowship Workshops to make sense of the dynamic and complex nature of our energy transition and identify the big Innovation Challenges where we need to mobilize, learn and act together.  
  2. Work closely with the Energy Futures Lab Team to lead, inspire and mobilize other actors to take action on the Innovation Challenges.
  3. Build the EFL community by communicating and sharing relevant ideas and activities to your network.   
How to Apply?
To apply for a position in the Energy Futures Lab 2022 Fellowship, please complete the application form below and upload ALL relevant documents: 
  • A single page letter of support from the executive level of your organization, endorsing your participation in the Energy Futures Lab as a Fellow. Senior leadership endorsement should reflect commitment by the organization to formally learn about EFL concepts and outcomes and to explore possible actions and collaborative opportunities arising from the EFL
  • One additional reference letter
  • Your Resume
  • A Headshot photo - 800px X 800px with some space around the head and shoulders. Please refer to the current Fellow page
Please also ensure to review the Fellowship FAQ, and Fellow Selection Criteria on our websiteIncomplete applications will not be considered.

Important Notes

  1. It is crucial that all Fellows attend all of the Fellowship workshops. Accepted Fellows will participate in an online Orientation Series (in addition to the rest of the workshops) beginning in mid-January consisting of four 2.5-hour sessions. The 2022 Fellowship Workshop Series dates (all times in Mountain Time) are:
    Fellow Online Orientation (Virtual) Session 1: Tuesday January 18, 9-12
    Session 2: Thursday January 20, 9-12
    Session 3: Tuesday January 25, 9-12 
    Session 4: Thursday January 27, 9-12
    Fellow Online Learning Journeys (Virtual) Session 1: Thursday, February 3, 10-12
    Session 2: Thursday, February 10, 10-12
    Session 3: Thursday, February 17, 10-12
    Session 4: Thursday, February 24, 10-12
    Fellowship Winter Retreat
    (In-person, Alberta, location TBD)
    March 8, 9, & 10
    Fellow Online ½ day Workshop (Virtual) June 15, 9-12
    Fellowship Fall Retreat
    (In-person, Alberta, location TBD)
    September 27 & 28
    Fellow Year-End Gathering
    (In-person, Calgary)
    November 24
  2. Upon acceptance into the program Fellows are required to submit an annual commitment fee that covers a small percentage of the overall cost of providing the workshops, events and other EFL activities. The commitment fee also ensures that the applicant finds sufficient personal and organizational value in being a Fellow, and therefore, is willing to commit to the full suite of responsibilities of being a participant. EFL Fellowship Annual Commitment Fee (graduated fee structure):
    • Corporate/ large organization: $3000
    • SME/ Municipal Government: $1500
    • Entrepreneur/ Individual: $500
    • Non-profit / Indigenous: bursary provided to cover fee

Fellowship applications will be accepted between October 12, 2021 & November 29, 2021.

Question Title

* 1. Full name:

Question Title

* 2. Address:

Question Title

* 3. Phone number (direct):

Question Title

* 4. Email:

Question Title

* 5. Organization/Affiliation:

Question Title

* 6. Title/Role:

Question Title

* 8. Please tell us why the EFL 2050 Vision matters for Canada, what opportunities exist, and how you would play a proactive leadership role to create it as an EFL Fellow (max 300 words)

Question Title

* 9. To ensure that the Fellowship learns and collaborates TOGETHER, it is critical that ALL Fellows attend ALL of the 2022 Fellowship Workshop Series. Please confirm that you can participate fully.

Question Title

* 10.Please describe a professional experience(s) that demonstrates the following (max 200 words)
  • Your openness for the messiness of real world experimentation and innovation
  • Your ability to learn and collaborate with others

Question Title

* 11. Please describe a professional experience(s) that demonstrates the following (max 200 words)
  • Where you acted as an agent of change within your organization and/or network

Question Title

* 12.Where do you see alignment between your work and EFL initiatives? (max 100 words)

Question Title

* 13. Please provide 5-10 words that best describe your perspective on, or experience in the energy system. (max 100 words)

Question Title

* 14. Please provide a max 100 word profile of yourself that can be shared on our website (if selected as a Fellow).

Question Title

* 15. How did you hear about the EFL? (max 100 words)

Question Title

* Additional comments:

* 16. Documentation to upload 

Please submit the following by email to Emily Blocksom, by the application deadline, November 29th, 2021.
  • A single page letter of support from the executive level of your organization, endorsing your participation in the Energy Futures Lab as a Fellow. Senior leadership endorsement should reflect commitment by the organization to formally learn about EFL concepts and outcomes and to explore possible actions and collaborative opportunities arising from the EFL. Please see question 16 below.
  • One additional reference letter
  • Your Resume
  • A Headshot photo - 800px X 800px with some space around the head and shoulders. Please refer to the current Fellow page.

Question Title

* Please confirm the details below regarding your organization letter of support