Background and Purpose of the Survey

Thank you for agreeing to share your experience with us on an anonymous basis with us.

We realise that your time is very valuable so we really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to complete this short 5-10 minute anonymous survey.

We are asking you to complete this short survey to better understand your experience with leg pain / discomfort and your concerns about varicose veins during your pregnancy (this study titled "Experience of the General Population with Varicose Veins" has ethical approval from the Galway University Hospitals Clinical Research Ethics Committee Ref CA 2037). The two investigators responsible for the study are Prof. Gearóid ÓLaighin and Prof. Stewart Walsh from the School of Engineering and the School of Medicine at NUI Galway.
The questions are phrased as if you are currently pregnant, however we are also seeking feedback from women who gave birth in the last 12 months. In these cases please answer the questions by reflecting on your experience when you were pregnant.
We are asking you for your feedback so that we can design a more effective system to help women to reduce your leg pain / discomfort and risk of varicose veins during pregnancy.

We are committed to addressing the problem of varicose veins in pregnancy.

By clicking on the 'OK' button you are consenting to participate in this anonymous survey