WVSOM CME: Boundary Considerations in Clinical Settings

WVSOM CME Webinar: Boundary Considerations in Clinical Settings
To receive CME credit for the WVSOM CME webinar, Boundary Considerations in Clinical Settings, please complete the following survey, post test and attendance attestation (final question). 
DO CME credits will be uploaded into the AOA TraCME database; n
on-DO attendees will be issued a hard copy certificate, which can then be submitted by the attendee to the appropriate accrediting body for CME credit.  
Any questions can be submitted to alinsenmeyer@osteo.wvsom.edu  

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the following areas:

  Excellent Satisfactory Poor
Quality of presentation/speaker(s)
Quality / satisfaction with the virtual environment
Your overall evaluation of this training session

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
This training session was well designed and organized.
Course objectives were met.
I was pleased with what I learned about this topic.
The session was helpful in my professional development.
I feel prepared to incorporate this information into practice.
I had adequate opportunity to participate and ask questions.
Teaching techniques & methods were effective.
I recommend this training session for other faculty members.

Question Title

* 3. What did you like best about this session?

Question Title

* 4. What do you suggest for improving this session?

Question Title

* 5. Name at least one new thing you learned during this session?

CME Post-Test

Question Title

* 6. Mindfulness can help prevent boundary crossings.

Question Title

* 7. Mistreatments and boundary crossings are the same.

Question Title

* 8. Please complete the sentence with a word or phrase
Indicate one example of a mistreatment:

Question Title

* 9. What will you take away from this faculty development session that you will be able to use in your practice immediately?

Question Title

* 10. What will you take away from this faculty development session that you could work towards using in your practice over the next couple of months?

Attendance Attestation 

Question Title

* 11. By providing my name, credentials, and address below, I attest to 1 hour AOA Category A, or 1 hour AMA Category 1 Category credit for completing the WVSOM CME Webinar, Boundary Considerations in Clinical Settings:

DO CME certificates will be uploaded directly to AOA TraCME; non-DO CME Certificates will be mailed to the address provided above. Please be sure to provide an address in addition to your name if you aren't a DO so that we may mail your CME certificate to you.  Please contact WVSOM Office of Assessment and Educational Development at oaed@osteo.wvsom.edu  or 304-793-6563 with any questions.  Thank you.