Purpose of Survey for REB members

Dear REB Member,

To help serve you better, the Research Ethics Office is once again gearing up to make improvements to the Research Ethics review process and would like your feedback.We invite you to contribute and improve the process by taking part in this survey.  This is the second time this survey has been launched, and we are looking to gather new data to compare to last year's data.   We are doing this to learn more about your current perceptions of our processes and to identify any barriers in communication that may exist between the REB, its administration and the researchers who submit. The survey should take less than 20 minutes to complete.

This is an anonymous survey although given the small sample size, your answers to certain questions may identify you. Results will be reported in an aggregate format and will not identify your role on the REB. Please ensure you do not include additional information that may identify you. You may choose not answer any question you like. Once you have submitted your answers, you will not be able to withdraw your data from the project.

You can view the security and privacy policy for the American web survey company Survey Monkey by visiting http://help.surveymonkey.com/articles/en_US/kb/I-am-in-Canada-How-does-the-U-S-PATRIOT-Act-affect-my-privacy.

If you would like further information about this project, please contact the Research Ethics Office at TBR_REO@tbh.net or call Katherine Bell @ 684-6434 or Laurel Knowles @ 684-6422.
You are free to choose to participate or not.

By clicking on next you are agreeing to participate in this anonymous survey.