Questions on training in the housing sector

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Thank you for taking 15 minutes out of your very busy day to complete the following 10 questions.

The reason we are asking for your help today is because, as you may already know, the AFNQL has adopted a Regional Housing Strategy with three axes.  The first axis is called "Capacity and Competency Development".

The First Nations Adult Education School Council has been mandated with the task of better understanding housing managers' training needs as well as the training needs of elected officials dealing with housing and tenants too.  So, we thought we would consult with the experts: YOU.  Once we have an understanding of the training needs, what the positive aspects of putting the training in place and what the possible challenges may be, we will prepare a report on all the findings to submit to the AFNQL.

As such, we would like you to consider what is currently available for you as a housing manager or agent, as well as what is available to the portfolio holder on council and the tenants in your housing units.  Then, take a few minutes to answer the questions that follow, to the best of your ability.

Since we appreciate your help, everyone who completes a survey will receive a $15 prepaid Tim Horton's card.  Just leave your name and address at the end of the survey and we'll send one to you before the holidays.

Questions? Email: 

Thanks again for sharing your expertise and your time!

The First Nations Adult Education School Council's Communications Team

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* 1. What type of training is currently available to you as a housing manager or agent?

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* 2. What type of training would you like to see, for  yourself as a housing manager or agent?

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* 3. Do you know of any training available for elected officials or tenants? If so, what is currently available for them?

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* 4. What type of training do you think would benefit elected officials in their role in supporting the housing portfolio?

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* 5. What type of training do you think would benefit tenants in your community?

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* 6. What would be the challenges to implement such trainings for you, for elected officials and for tenants?  Are the challenges different for each group?

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* 7. What would opportunities would arise from such training for each group (you, elected officials and tenants)?

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* 8. Do you think there is currently an organization that can oversee training in the housing sector? If so, what is it.  If not, what type of organization should oversee training in the housing sector?

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* 9. Do you have any additional comments or thoughts on the development of competencies and capacities in the housing sector?

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* 10. Do you know of any tenants that would like to participate in a telephone survey? If so, would you mind emailing us their contact info (after getting their permission, of course) at

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* 11. YES, please send me a $15 prepaid Tim's card because who doesn't love coffee?!  Here is my name and address: