2022 College Credit Plus Professional Development Reflection Form

Thank you for participating in our Center for Teaching and Learning - facilitated Professional Development. You will use this reflection form 3 times - once for each of the sessions you participate in.  Choose the corresponding track for each session. 
Note: this material was adapted from the Ohio College Teaching Consortium Endorsement Reflection 

Question Title

* 1. Please provide us with your contact information

Question Title

* 2. Which track does this professional development correspond to?

Question Title

* 3. What was the title of the professional development session?

Question Title

* 4. Please describe 2 or 3 highlights of the session you attended. These might include new research on teaching and learning, effective instructional strategies or approaches, insights from colleagues also participating, or networking / peer-to-peer opportunities. (Responses should be approx. 200 words)

Question Title

* 5. As a result of attending this workshop or session, what changes, refinements or adjustments to current teaching practices will you make in the short- and long-term?  (Your response should be approx. 300 words.)