Survey - Your Input on Proposed Dog Park Design

We will EDIT the Design to Best Fit with YOUR COMMENTS.
After WE Receive Your Input - We will Submit the Edited Design to the Park District for Their INPUT!

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* 1. Please VIEW the Proposed Wicker Park Dog Park Design CLICK HERE
THEN - Please Complete the Survey - Thanks.

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* 2. Your Zip Code

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* 3. Please RANK each of the 10 following Features that are included in the Proposed Design ($680 K Estimated Cost) to the Wicker Park Dog Park in order of importance.  #1 is the Most Important to You.

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* 4. NO GRAVEL PITS - The Gravel Pits currently in the Dog Park are Removed from this Design.  The Gravel Pits are replaced by Permiable Pea Gravel and Decomposed Granite areas.

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* 5. LOCATION - DOG DRINKING FOUNTAIN & WATER FEATURE: The design shows the dog drinking fountain adjacent to the water feature.  Do you think this is a good idea or should it be in a separate location (keep in mind plumbing issues may deter):

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* 6. AGILITY FEATURES - How do you feel about the proposed ‘organic style' agility features ie - the logs and the rock structure (which can also serve as seating for the dog owners)

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* 7. YOUR USAGE OF THE DOG PARK - Please list the number of times you have visited the Wicker Park Dog Park in the past year.

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* 8. WORK WITH US? - WE REQUEST Your Support to Design & Fund this Project
WE Propose that the Project is funded with
1/3 Community Funds, 1/3 Aldermanic Funds and 1/3 Park District Funds

SELECT ALL That Apply to What You'd like to do.

YOUR CONTACT INFO: If YOU plan to Assist - Please Enter Your Contact Information Below #10.

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* 9. Please SHARE any additional considerations or comments.

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* 10. Your Contact Information for Dog Park Renovation Updates, Donor Options, Planning Meeting Times, and for Notification of  Fundraiser Dates.