California Bioenergy Community Meeting Questionnaire-Fresno County

 California Bioenergy Community Meeting Questionnaire

1.What is your role in connection to these projects? (choose more than one if appropriate)
2.Have we informed you about the environmental and economic impacts of the dairy digester projects?
3.Please share any thoughts or concerns you have about our projects as it relates to air quality, groundwater protection, truck traffic odor, etc.
4.What are ways we can improve our presentation? How can we better educate the public about a dairy digester project impacts?
5.What are the specific areas of need in the community that we can help address?
6.Do you have any suggestions on our digester projects?
7.Other questions or comments:
8.If you would like to be added to our email list or are interested in internships or job openings, please add your email address here: