3rd Annual Robbinsville Economic Development Committee (EDAC) Business/Community Awards Nomination Form

Successful local businesses and active nonprofits are the lifeblood of any vibrant community. 

Robbinsville has been very fortunate to attract and retain businesses which provide valuable goods and services to our residents, create jobs, and give back to the community through charitable endeavors. Additionally, Robbinsville’s nonprofits and civic organizations are some of the most acclaimed in the state.

The purpose of these awards is to identify businesses and civic organizations within the Robbinsville community that have made significant contributions to the economic and civic development of Robbinsville Township. The Robbinsville Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) and Robbinsville Township Council will partner with Township residents to identify these candidates and choose businesses and civic groups to be honored for those contributions. By submitting this form, residents provide EDAC with their choice of businesses, civic groups and nonprofit organizations that will be considered for the awards listed below.

The nominating form also acts as a vote. Thus, the more nominating forms submitted for your chosen nominee increases their chance to win the award. Nominations will be held June 11, 2016 to September 15, 2016.

Finally, a very important factor in the committee’s selection process for the awards is the reasons you set forth on your nomination form. The award categories are:

1.      Small Business Award:  Recognizes the entrepreneur or small business having less than 12 employees that have made a dramatic impact on the community through its individual business or involvement within the business community at large.

2.      Large Business Award:  Recognizes a successful independent business that has made a dramatic impact on the community through its efforts to employ, support and promote the community of Robbinsville.

3.      Civic Service Award: Recognizes a civic organization, individual or program for its efforts and contributions to the  community.

4.      Keep it Local Award:  Recognizes the company that has embodied a true effort and commitment to the Keep it Local Robbinsville campaign.

5.       Mayor’s Award for Economic/Community Development: Recognizes a business, civic organization, official or program that deserves special recognition for its efforts on behalf of the Robbinsville community.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Date

* Each nomination requires 1-2 sentences as to what the company/individual has done in the past 12 months to deserve this award; how it has helped the Robbinsville community; and what future impact its activity may have on the community.

*You may nominate up to five businesses/organizations (1 per award category).

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* 3. Your Nominee and Nomination Explanation for: “Small Business Award”

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* 4. Your Nominee and Nomination Explanation for: “Large Business Award”

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* 5. Your Nominee and Nomination Explanation for: “Keep it Local Award”

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* 6. Your Nominee and Nomination Explanation for: “Mayor’s Award for Economic/Community Development”

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* 7. Your Nominee and Nomination Explanation for: “Civic Service Award”