Question Title

* 1. Please Enter Your name so you can receive a Customer Loyalty Point

Question Title

* 2. How well were instructed to use the sauna 

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* 3. How was the ambiance? 

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* 4. Was it easy for you to operate the music application?

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* 5. How was the shower water temperature?

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* 6. Were you supplied with towels for the sauna and shower use?

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* 7. When you arrived: were you greeted with a smile, proper paperwork, offered a hot neck wrap & beverage?

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* 8. How was your overall experience?

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* 9. Would you recommend the Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna  and our location to others?

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* 10. Please let us know if there is anything you would change for your next session? Also click here to leave a Google Review or Yelp Review for your therapist ! This will earn you an additional Loyalty Reward point !