Si necesita traducir esto al español, comuníquese con Servicio al Cliente.

If you have more than one account with us (e.g., you are the owner of several rentals), service lines need to be identified for all the addresses associated with your accounts.

If you are NOT the owner of the property where you receive our utility services, please forward this survey on to the appropriate owner.

Please fill out the questions below with information about the residence/premise associated with your account.

*Please also include 1-2 photos showing your service line.*

For the premise location, provide the street address as listed on your water bill without periods.


Building Number - Prefix - Street Name - Street Suffix - Unit Number - City - State - Zip

2022 - W - Main - St - Apt 3 - Anytown - IL - 60622

Question Title

* 1. Location Information

Question Title

* 2. Account Number

Question Title

* 3. What year was your home built?

Question Title

* 4. To your knowledge, has the service line of your home ever been replaced?

Question Title

* 5. If YES to question 4, what year was it replaced?

Question Title

* 6. What material is your service line? You may choose more than one.

Question Title

* 7. How did you determine the Material? Please choose one.

Question Title

* 8. If the pipe was located and the material identified, please take 1-2 photos and upload them.

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Choose File

Question Title

* 9. Upload your second photo here.

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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