1. What would you like to see offered in 2019?

We're planning our 2019 Capacity Building Workshop series. The following workshop ideas were developed through the input of many local organizations. Proposed workshops have been categorized under three headings:
  1. Nonprofit Finances
  2. Fundraising
  3. Strategic Planning
Some or all may be offered by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven and the Valley Community Foundation before December 2019 depending on your responses and the interest level shown as a result of this survey.

So if you're looking to build a certain skill set in 2019 or your organization would like to work on a specific area, tell us through your selections or write in a workshop topic for consideration.

READY? LET'S GET STARTED! (survey should take about 4 min)
If given at a convenient time with a high quality speaker, how likely would your organization participate in the following?

Question Title

* 1. Nonprofit Finances
Staff members across departments use financial forms in different ways.  Board members bring various skills and experience in regards to financials.  Are you interested in exploring the world of finances?

  Very Likely  Maybe  Probably Not No
Nonprofit Finances for Non-Finance Staff & Board - Basic
Financial Management for Nonprofits - Intermediate
QuickBooks Best Practices - Basic
Preparing & Understanding Financial Statements for the Board

Question Title

* 2. Nonprofit Finances
Staff members across departments use financial forms in different ways.  Board members bring various skills and experience in regards to financials.   If you were to participate in this workshop, what time of the day would best accommodate your schedule?

  During Business Hours After Business Hours (to allow for Board participation) Saturday (morning/early afternoon)
Nonprofit Finances for Non-Finance Staff & Board - Basic
Financial Management for Nonprofits - Intermediate
QuickBooks Best Practices - Basic
Preparing & Understanding Financial Statements for the Board