
Poster Abstract Submission Instructions
  • Complete this online form no later than July 15, 2020
  • Upload your abstract as Microsoft Word document using only the abstract template provided. The formatting outlined in the template is specific and REQUIRED.
    • If the upload does not work via this form, email your abstract to
    • Abstracts should be organized into five sections: background/purpose, methodology, results (preliminary results are acceptable), conclusion reached to-date
    • Word limit is 500 words
  • You will be notified around July 20 regarding your abstract acceptance and you will be provided information about poster PDF submission
  • If your abstract is accepted, you are required to register for the PSW Annual Meeting. Student and pharmacy resident registrations are deeply discounted, but residents will need to obtain a discount code from their residency program director. Contact with questions.
Please note: Abstracts will be accessible in the conference app to conference attendees and will be published in an online supplement to the Journal of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin unless publication is not desired by indicating on this form.

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