THANK YOU for your interest in the Pacific Bonsai Museum! Support from visitors like you is critical to the Museum and to the advancement of the living art of bonsai.

When you join our community of bonsai-appreciators, you help care for bonsai in our collection and help ensure that the Museum remains accessible for all to enjoy.

If you were to join or renew your membership, which benefits would be of most value to you? Thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully answer the following questions. The estimated time to complete this survey is 3 minutes.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate the primary reason you became a Pacific Bonsai Museum Member:

Question Title

* 2. Which programs / benefits have you found valuable?
(1 to 5, 1= not valuable, 5=exceptionally valuable):

  1 (not valuable) 2 3 4 5 (exceptionally valuable)
Being part of the Pacific Bonsai Museum community
Discounted workshop registration
Members-only events
Member discounts at our online and pop-up Museum shops
North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) benefits
Pacific Bonsai Quarterly
Public recognition of my gift
Supporting the advancement of bonsai as a fine art form
Supporting the Pacific Bonsai Museum
Supporting special exhibits at the Pacific Bonsai Museum
Supporting youth education programs at the Pacific Bonsai Museum

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following possible new benefits would interest you most?  (1 to 5, 1= not valuable, 5=exceptionally valuable):

  1 (not-valuable) 2 3 4 5 (exceptionally-valuable)
“Adopting” a bonsai in the Museum’s collection (a certificate, photo, and facts about ‘your’ tree)
Annual Curator’s Circle event (a special event for donors at the $1,000 level and above)
Complimentary memberships to give as gifts
Discounts on magazine subscriptions (such as popular bonsai and art publications)
Discounts at businesses in the Federal Way, WA-area
Invitations to special events (such as exhibit previews)
Member-only hours
Priority notice of upcoming activities (such as special events and workshops)
Tours of private bonsai collections (in Washington and Oregon)
Travel opportunities to visit bonsai museums/collections (worldwide)

Question Title

* 4. What did we forget to ask? Let us know anything you’d like us to know relating to being a Pacific Bonsai Museum member: