Question Title

* 1. Tell us about yourself!

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* 2. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 3. What is your age group?

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* 4. What is your ethnicity? (Please select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 5. How did you learn about Movement Day X?

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate each keynote speaker?

  Excellent Very Good Good Adequate Poor N/A
Bishop Claude Alexander
Roger Sutton
Jim Liske
Dr. Mac Pier
Letitia Shelton
Jaya Kumar Christian
Dr. Craig Sider

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the workshop you attended?

  Excellent Very Good Good Adequate Poor N/A
Peacemaking in a Divided Time - Jer Swigart
The Influence of Business Leaders - April Tam Smith & Ram Gidoomal
History and Healing of Racial Division - Rev. Claude Alexander
Engaging Civic Authorities in a Movement - Rev. Adam Durso
The Next Move - Luke Greenwood & Jurie Kriel
The Power of 10 - Dr. Mac Pier
Curating Sacred Space:  An Intro to Experiential Worship - Lilly Lewin
Releasing Women into the City - Letitia Shelton
The Theology of the City - Ian Shelton
The Dream Clock - Rev. Clarence Hill
City Movements and Movement Day in Latin America - Jose Duran
Praying for Your City - Dr. T
Trauma Healing - Nicole Martin
City Movements - Roger & Stephen Sutton
Breaking the Cycle of Poverty - Boshoff Grobler & Stephen Smith
Mentoring City Leaders - Dr. Mark Visvasam
Recovering from Covid - Rev. Tim Day
The Joys and Challenges of Evangelism in City Movements - Kevin Palau, Stephanie Wieber & Lizzie Burke

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the Regional Meeting you attended?

  Excellent Very Good Good Adequate Poor N/A
Africa - Peter Watt
Southeast, East, West Asia - Dr. Mac Pier
Canada - Rev. Tim Day
South Pacific - Ian Shelton
Europe/United Kingdom - Roger Sutton
United States - Jim Liske & Lisa Mathews
Latin America - Jose Duran
South Asia - Dr. Mark Visvasam & Tom White

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the following supportive elements.

  Excellent Very Good Good Adequate Poor N/A
Interactive Element - Worship - Lectio Divina
Video - Movement Day Way
Interactive Element - Call to Action - Start a Movement Day
Video - Global Choir
Video - East to West
Interactive Element - Time to Lament
Interactive Element - CompassPrayer
Panel - The Role of Marketplace in a city movement
City Stories - South Pacific
Video - Movement Day Genesis
City Stories - Hong Kong
City Stories - India, Africa
Panel - Global Hub Leader

Question Title

* 10. Were you able to connect with God in meaningful ways during Movement Day X?

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* 11. How would you describe your overall experience?

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* 12. Tell us about a significant encounter you had during Movement Day X.

Question Title

* 13. Did you feel comfortable with the virtual experience via the Hopin Platform? Yes/ No

Question Title

* 14. How likely are you to launch an expression of Movement Day within the next 1-5 years?

Question Title

* 15. What is one thing we could provide you and your team to help you to process next steps after Movement Day X?