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Beatify Pullman is leading an initiative to continue with its Downtown Beautification projects and develop a Nonmotorized Connection Plan with assistance from the Michigan Department of Agriculture through a Rural Readiness Grant. The purpose of this survey is to document your community's level of interest in and support for developing a streetscape, safe nonmotorized transportation options in Pullman, and connections to the regional trail system.

The survey is just the first of several opportunities to participate in this process and should takes about 10 - 15 minutes to complete. This survey will be open until May 15. We will share the survey results during our public event Memorial Day weekend. Progress updates for the Plan will be posted at Watch for upcoming events and public engagement opportunities!

Please be aware that if you are a parent or caregiver of a Pullman Elementary School student, Safe Routes to School is also conducting a survey to collect information on walking, biking, and rolling in Pullman. We are working together to improve safe active transportation routes in your community and want your feedback on both processes. If you have taken their survey, thank you, but please continue and complete this survey as well.

Your responses are anonymous. Thank you for taking the time to have your voice heard!

Question Title

* 1. How are you connected to Pullman? Please select all of the areas that are true for you for each of the following statements.

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